That’s Not How Men Work Review – Marni Kinrys Dating Advice For Women

That's Not How Men Work Review - Marni Kinrys Dating Advice For Women

Lots of women find it difficult to date men because they don’t understand the way men think and feel. And many of the women don’t know how to get commitment from a man.

Now let me tell you that all this can change because Dating Coach Marni Kinrys, also called as the wing girl, has launched her program called ‘That’s Not How Men Work’.

This program claims to teach women the exact steps to see deep inside a man’s mind and manipulate it in such a way that he becomes obsessed with you and approaches you to impress you.

It seems Marni knows all the insider secrets about men and the way they think because she has provided personalized coaching to thousands of men utilizing the wing girl method for many years now.

Now if you are wondering who is Marni Kinrys or wing girl is then let me tell you that she is a well-known dating coach who has even appeared in TV channels like FOX news and MTV. And she has featured in men’s health magazine, penthouse, glamor magazine etc.

To help women who are struggling with dates, Marni has launched this information course ‘That’s Not How Men Work’.

And this product also already created a lot of enthusiasm in the women’s dating forums and that’s why we thought about putting together this review.

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That’s Not How Men Work Program Details

  • This is an information guide that provides dating advice for women. Women will learn the real secrets about men so that they can understand men better, understand how men think and feel.
  • According to Marni, with a good understanding of men, a woman will be in a position to influence a man’s mind at an emotional level so that he falls in love with her and gets obsessed about her.
  • Further she explains that the guide reveals those 7 secrets about male psychology that can help a woman to make that special man fall in love with her. After understanding the male psychology properly, she will be in a position to capture his heart and make him commit for a relationship.
  • It seems the guide also provides that will help in preventing a relationship from going good to bad. A woman will be in a position to respond properly when a man tries to avoid her or gets disinterested.
  • The guide also contains the important cheat sheets that help a woman to find out what a man feels about her. The cheat sheets come with step by step instructions to follow.

What Are Some Of The Secrets Will You Learn From This Guide?

  • The guide consists of 6 chapters with each one focusing on a specific area of relationship.
  • The first chapters explains how being needy can be a relationship killer and how you can avoid appearing needy.
  • The second chapter explains you as to why a man pulls away from a relationship all of a sudden. Why he stops texting and messaging. The reasons for a hot connection with a man going cold are also explained properly.
  • The third chapter provides you all the tips to evaluate a man and find out if he truly loves you or if he is only looking to use you for sex.
  • Chapter 4 is about commitment. You will learn why men fear about making a commitment and what you can do to make him commit.
  • The fifth chapter deals with emotional baggage that a man may be carrying and how to deal with it.
  • The sixth chapter is about how to make him treat you better and have a well-deserved relationship with you.
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Pros Of This Guide

  • This is an easy to follow guide that any woman can use to attract a man, capture his heart and make him fall in love with her.
  • The male psychology secrets revealed in That’s Not How Men Work guide will help a woman to understand a man better and actually influence him at an emotional level so that the man gets obsessed with the woman.
  • This guide has already helped lots of women. It seems the techniques in this guide work even if a woman has failed miserably with men in the past. Most importantly, the techniques work even if a woman has average looks and even in case a man rejected her in the past.
  • This product is available in the form of PDF guide along with audio transcripts. You can download the product immediately after purchase on to your desktop computer, smartphone, iPod or any other device.
  • This product comes with full 60 day money back guarantee and therefore you can try the product without any risk whatsoever.


  • Although this guide provides you good dating tips but it cannot make things happen for you. Unless you use the techniques and take action you will not gain anything.
  • The male psychology secrets provided in this book should be used positively. Any bad use of these secrets can be detrimental to a man’s life.
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That’s Not How Men Work Review Conclusions

Marni Kinrys has put together a very decent dating guide for women. The guide reveals some real good secrets about male psychology.

However the techniques in this guide will not do any magic for you unless you implement the techniques

Women who seriously want to date men by capturing their heart should learn the techniques to influence men provided in this guide and implement the same.